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Guide: How to Talk to an Employee Who Shares a Mental Health Issue With You


Organizations where leaders talk openly about their own mental health and experiences have found success in creating work environments where employees feel empowered 和自信 enough to share their own experiences. 劳拉·范·德努特·利普斯基在她的《澳门棋牌娱乐游戏平台》一书中写道, “当我们承认自己的恐惧, we have the opportunity to deepen our compassion not only for ourselves but also for every being that has ever been afraid.” To admit to a mental illness or mental health symptoms takes courage, and leaders that have the courage to share their own struggles help provide “safety” to their teams to do the same.

Today, agency leaders are confronting unprecedented times while leading public safety personnel. 这些挑战可能包括反警察情绪, 招聘的问题, 人力澳门网络娱乐游戏平台短缺, 和倦怠. These factors further impact a leader’s ability to be vulnerable. 除了, 身居高位会很孤独, with few resources for people in leadership positions regarding peer support or mental health care. 发生了这么多事, departments are led by professionals who may have difficulty processing their own trauma or stressors, 不仅仅是因为缺乏澳门网络娱乐游戏平台, 但觉得他们不能让自己脆弱. 领导者可能会忽视他们可以开放的事实, strong, 和自信, yet still model behavior that exudes vulnerability and good physical and mental health. The significance of asking for help and caring for oneself as a leader is important and has many benefits to not only the leader, 但是整个组织.


If leaders in the first responder community do not talk to one another and normalize conversations around mental health, the likelihood that a colleague will open up when they are struggling with something is low. They may instead ignore and push down thoughts and feelings, which can manifest in other ways. By not talking about mental health, the stigma associated with it is only perpetuated. 然而, talking about mental health in the workplace can result in a number of benefits, 包括增加同事之间的信任, providing a safe space for those who are experiencing mental health symptoms, and creating a culture where employees feel like they can bring their full selves to work.

So, what are some ways to normalize the mental health conversation? 以下是一些建议:


In conversations, make it clear that mental health is just as important as physical health. One of the best ways to reduce stigma around mental health is to treat it with the same level of importance as physical health, 让你的部门知道你也是这么想的. It’s normal to talk about physical ailments and seeing a doctor if physically ill or injured, 心理健康也不应例外. Talking about seeing a therapist due to feelings of depression, anxiety, sleep disruption, etc.以类似的方式使心理健康对话正常化.

By being in a leadership role, you have incredible power to create change in your department. Find others in your department who are also in leadership roles who could be allies in normalizing these conversations. When having conversations about 心理健康和保健, speak confidently and directly. Showing hesitation when talking about mental health only adds to the notion that it is a taboo topic.


作为领导者, you often go to lengths to make sure you are educated about a particular policy, 过程, or training you are discussing or leading within your department. 这同样适用于心理健康的话题. 你研究过创伤吗, 心理健康和保健, 特别是在第一响应者群体中, 并与他人分享这些信息. 有许多不同的精神症状, each with unique behaviors that can impact work performance and relationships with others. Sharing information eliminates misconceptions that contribute to stigma.


Mental health language is and often can be used negatively as adjectives, which is problematic. Be conscious of the words you use to describe people and behaviors that you perceive as different. 例如, 避免使用“疯狂”这样的词,”“白痴,”“心理/精神,”“精神,或者“off their rocker”.” Stepping in to discourage such language when it is used to describe someone’s behavior is important. This helps send the message that describing individuals who may not be well-liked or are viewed as “different” using derogatory words to imply a mental health problem will not be tolerated. When such terms are used in jest it only perpetuates a negative stereotype and stigma.


There may be an opportunity for your HR department to share the mental health resources your department may offer, 还有关于心理健康日的政策, 健康的休息, 或者他们可以在工作中提供的其他支持. See if language around mental health can be included in orientation materials and other initial training, 比如包括心理健康休假政策.


Make a statement or publicly share information about the department’s mental health support and resources.


In having these conversations there is no need to try and fix or solve the difficulty an employee may be having. 而不是, it is showing the willingness to simply be okay with the conversation and to just be there for them and to listen. It is always good to encourage others and be willing to share that there is no shame in reaching out for help. Many first responders who have faced a mental health challenge at some point have gone on to have long and successful careers. 感觉不好真的是可以的.
